Peace = Evolution


Evolution: The gradual development of something into a more complex or better form.

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly. Psalms 5:3

The process from the old you to the new you won’t be over night, but it will be real, if you allow it to be. Making a slight tweak to your life will produce the peacefulness you are searching for. Imagine an airplane that changes its’ course just a smidgen and ends up in a completely different place. All you have to do is change course slightly and you are on your way to a new and different way of life.

Directing your awareness toward God will command your attention each morning (and each evening and eventually all through the day). In the beginning, if you make a conscious effort to pray or read your bible every morning, you will be off to an extraordinary start. Mornings can be terribly busy, but what can you do the night before to give yourself just five minutes? Long enough to read a devotional pray and reflect on the day?

As you try this new way of life, you will not be perfect in the beginning, or ever. However, I assure you that as you make a concentrated effort to focus on God first thing, you will be a calmer, more peaceful version of “you”. Allow yourself, with Gods’ help to evolve to the person you long to be.

Lord, please give me the strength to continuously put Your first in my life, help me to plan each day so I will have the time to put You first.

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